#TRA2026 – Call for papers

TRA 2026 has opened its call for abstracts to celebrate researchers by recognising their innovative contributions to transportation research.
The first round will accept abstracts of a maximum of 200 words until 15th June 2025 through the online submission system accessible via the conference website. Members of the local program committee will review the submissions.
In the second round, conference papers of a maximum of 4000 words are invited to be submitted by 15th September 2025 through the online submission system. Independent experts and members of the local program committee will review the papers.
Paper structure
The conference papers should describe the research goals, the previous literature, the elaborated methods, the achieved results, and a proper discussion of the outcomes to allow the scientific committee to assess the quality of the submissions. Only original contributions are considered for presentation at the conference.
Accepted papers will be presented either in a technical (oral) session or as a poster with a brief oral presentation. A maximum of one presentation is allowed per person attending the conference. This means that an author can be a co-author of multiple papers but is not allowed to present more than one paper.
Proceedings and special issues
The accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. The guest editors will propose selected high-quality papers for invitation to special issues of prestigious journals.
To participate, fill out the following submission form. As a reminder, here below is a reminder about the timeline to submit your paper:
- Abstract submission deadline: 15th June 2025
- Conference paper submission deadline: 15th September 2025
- Conference paper notification of acceptance: 31st January 2026
- Final conference paper submission deadline: 31st March 2026