New MOBility solutions for clImate neutraLity in EU cITIES

  • Framework: Horizon Europe
  • Type: IA
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Category: Electrification (FEV/PHEV)
  • End Date: 31/12/2028
  • Website:

MOBILITIES FOR EU aims at demonstrating that innovative passenger mobility and freight transport concepts designed and implemented following participative and user-center principles are cost-effective and feasible solutions to contribute significantly to the cities’ transformation towards climate-neutrality, allowing to speed up the process even to reach SCOPE 2 emissions reduction in 2030.

Madrid (Spain) and Dresden (Germany) will implement 11 pilots comprising 27 very innovative solutions for mobility of people and freight, exploiting the combined potential of electrification, automation and connectivity, from the design to the implementation and evaluation stages acting as Lead Cities (LC). Both cities also ambition to act as pioneers of this process, taking advantage of multiple already existing initiates of social engagement and empowerment that will be integrated in the idea of Urban Transport Labs (UT-Labs), conceived as Innovation Hubs with the aim of fostering faster upscaling and replicability at EU level, making 5 Replication Cities (Ioaninna–Greece, Trencin–Slovakia, Espoo-Finland, Gdansk-Poland and Sarajevo-Bosnia & Herzegovina) through their own UT-Labs direct participants of the processes and later on main protagonists of their own designs.